Call: (+256) 754644993

Call: (+256) 754644993

Mission & Vision


Disciples of Jesus Christ displaying God’s glory all over the world


Reaching out to all people with the word of God, make them disciples and have a godly influence on our generation and generations to come.


Display God’s glory… Declare God’s truth… Delight in God… Disciple God’s people


  1. To lead a lifestyle of prayer, intercession, reading, and practicing the word of God (Phil 4:6-7, 1Tim 2:1-5, James 1:22-25, Ps 119:105…)
  2. All we have belongs to God; we should use it to his glory and generously to bless his people (Haggai 2:8, Ps 50:7-13
  3. Reaching out to the lost is a responsibility of every member of Kampala community church (Matt 28:19-20, Mark 16:15-18…)
  4. Loving God and one another is a debt of every member of Kampala community church (Rom 13: 8, Matt 22: 37-39)
  5. Worship God in Spirit and in Truth with all reverence (With our possessions, time, body, spirit, soul…) John 4: 23-24, Joshua 24: 15…
  6. Forgiving is an obligation of every member of Kampala Community Church (Matt 5: 43-48, Matt 6:12,14,15)
  7. Every member of Kampala Community Church is a Servant (Matt 20: 20-28, Philippians 2:5-11, John 13: 1-17).
    To lead a lifestyle that frees us from begging and dependence as a Church and individuals. (Ephesians 4:27, 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12)