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Personal Development

Here are the key areas for personal Development


  1. Spiritual Development (Matthew 6:33, Matthew 7:24-29)
    – Prayer and Fasting (Daniel and Esther stories in the Bible)
    – The word of God (Psalms 119: 9, 11, 105…)
    – Ministry (Matthew 20:20-28).
    – Fellowship (Hebrews 10:25, Acts 2:42-47, Acts 4:32-37)
  2. Work, Wealth Creation and Wealth Management (Proverbs 3)
    – Income and management of income
    – Work
    – Investment
    – Saving
    – Giving
  3. Social and Health
    – Value of relationships in our lives and making genuine friends out of people in our circle.
    – Your health (Physical, Mental and Spiritual)
  4.  Academic and Cognitive
    – Academic upgrades and reading books.
    – The power of Interacting with good people
    – Learning by observation and hearing
  5. Life Priorities
    Great people have set priorities for their lives and focus on what is most important and scale down.What are your priorities:
    – Life priorities
    – Work priorities
    – Ministry priorities
    – Finance Priorities
    – Health Priorities
    – Social Priorities